Club Penguin Cheats

  • How to play Pizza Tron in Candy Mode:
  1. Pull the Lever in the Start Page


  • How to throw snow balls fast:
  1. Press T
  • How to sit forward:
  1. Press S with your mouse being below your penguin.


  • How to catch the Mullet in Ice Fishing Game:
  1. Use a small fish as bate


  • How to get 1000 coins in Jet Pack Adventure:
  1. Do not get any Coins in the entire Game
  • How to wave by just pressing one button:
  1. Press W
  • How to make a chat bubble pop up without nothing being in it:
  1. Press the space button and then send.
  2. Just like this


  • How to sit, dance, or stand in the walkways of Club Penguin:
  1. Click on spot you want to go to and then quickly open your mail and then wait a second
  2. Close it and you should be standing in one of the walkways.


  • How to become a Secret Agent Questions and Answers:
  1. First of all press the button in the Top Right Corner with the Letter M.
  2. Next something should pop up asking you if you want to become a secret agent click that.
  3. After you’ve done that you will be asked some questions.
  4. Here are the answers to the questions.
  5. Honest.
  6. Being mean or rude.
  7. Report Them.
  8. Saying their Address.
  9. I want to keep club penguin safe.
  10. I want to help other penguins.
  11. After you’ve completed the test it should take about a day before you get you spy phone.
  • How to make the Fart noise:
  1. Press E+T


  • How to get 60 extra coins in Bean Counter:
  1. Complete all five levels of the Game
  • How to check if Rockhopper is coming to Club Penguin:
  1. Go to the Beach and into the Lighthouse and go to the top and click on the telescope.
  • How to become a Tour Guide:
  1. Go to the Ski Village.
  2. When you get there you will see a Tour stand click on it.
  3. Next a Tour Guide Page will appear.
  4. Look all the way in the bottom and there is going to be a sign saying Would you like to become a tour guide click on that.
  5. Remember that you can only miss one question out of the 8 of them.
  6. Then some questions will appear here are the answers to them.
  7. In what room can you find old copies of the penguin times? Answer:Boiler Room
  8. How does the pink puffle play? Answer:Skips with a Skipping Rope
  9. Which of these games has a shark in it? Answer:Jet pack Adventure
  10. What is the name of the big fish in the Ice Fishing game? Answer:Mullet
  11. What day does the news paper come out? Answer:Thursday
  12. Which of these room doesn’t have music playing in the background? Answer:Pet Shop
  13. How many coins does it cost to buy a Player card background? Answer:60
  14. Which room has a cuckoo clock? Answer:Ski Lodge
  15. What item is always hidden in a different place in the Clothing Catalogue? Answer:Viking Helmet
  16. What is the name of Captain Rockhoppers Ship? Answer:The Migrator
  17. How many sled racing tracks are there? Answer:4
  18. Which of these rooms does not have a game in it? Answer:Beach
  19. Which color of puffle can catch on fire? Answer:Black
  20. How do you get a pin? Answer:Click on it, and it will move you towards it.
  21. Which item is thrown out of the truck in level 4 of Bean Counters? Answer:Flower Pot
  22. After you’ve completed the test you will receive the Tour Guide Hat
  • How to use the Whistle and the Christmas Bell or the Paddle Ball at the Same time:
  1. Log In on a penguin with either of the whistles and either the bell or the paddle ball.
  2. Take off all your penguins clothes.
  3. Put on one of the two whistles.
  4. Put on either the paddle ball or the bell.
  5. Wave.
  6. Here’s a Picture of How it looks like.


  • How to skip to Levels 10, 20, and 30 in Astro Barrier:
  1. While on the loading screen press 1, 2, or 3
  • How to make a Puffle with no Name:
  1. When your about to name him just press the Space button a lot and it shouldn’t have a name.
  • How to walk on Water Glitch:
  1. First go to the Iceberg
  2. Then walk to the Aqua Grabber game and press no.
  3. Now click in the Water next to it and you should be standing in the water.


  1. First log in to Club Penguin
  2. When the “Multiple Connections Detected” pops up click Disney.(Note:You must have two CP tabs in order for the message to pop up.)club-penguin-cheat
  3. Next click enter while your still in that page.(Note:You must not have any Penguins Saved to your Computer in order for the Cheat to work.)
  4. After you’ve clicked enter it should take you to the page where it asks you to put your User Name and Password but with the “Multiple Connections Detected” Message still being there.
  5. Click enter while that message is still up and it should take you to another message that says “Must Provide Penguin’s Name” click enter once more and should be able to type in your username and
  6. Do this as many times as you want and you will be able to log into as many Penguins as you want.
  1. First Log in to Club Penguin and go all the way to the left of the Snow Forts
  2. Open up the Club Penguin Times and Click on “We Need You”.club-penguin-newspaper-cheat
  3. It should take you to the Submissions Page, here you click the word ‘Question’club-penguin-newspaper-cheat1
  4. Once the Box pops up click send without writing anything in
  5. Turn back to the first page of the Newspaper and Click tab.
  6. You should be able to type anything from there


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  1. help me how do

  2. wow that last one was so cool no one has ever known that!!

    • ive known the talking one for 4 months, which is as long as ive been on CP so I HAVE KNOWN IT FOR AGES!!!!

  3. omg dude i`ve known that walk on water glitch forever dude its so cool!!

  4. i cant talk to any 1 i dont have any thing to write in HELP ME

  5. […] Comments» […]

  6. this websit is better than the rest good work

  7. if u want to add my penguin u can add me im called dec williams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and did i tell u that if atleast 50 penguins get a puffle and dance on the iceberg u can tip it and get 1000 coins and a golden puffle.

  8. anyone who wants to do it with me just meet me at the ice berg ill be with my blue or red puffle today at 4 o,clock

  9. Hi im in such a hurry coz Rockhopper is finnaly here and he has brought some things that will make christmas speacil so i know how to find Rockhopper this is how listen cearfuly first u go to rock hoppers diary but just read a page and then go to the captins quarters and u will be told how to find him it will say in the book.And i just found out that a brown puffle has been found in the forest and will be in shops by febuaryb 15th 2009 and he will come with a free warter bowl if u buy him and buy him a brown cennal u will also get a free fluffy warter bowl that is broen so keep an eye out for the new brown puffle oh and did i tell u u can get a friend ship band in the back of a Rockhopper story book and get a key in the back of Rockhoppers diary(A key for Rockhoppers head qauters).

  10. cool sitename man)))
    my blog:

  11. cooooolest domain name)))

  12. YOU ARE A

  13. Hello, I can’t understand how to add your blog in my rss reader
    my blog:

  14. now in my rss reader)))
    internet signature:

  15. it so so so did NOT work

    i got banned for saying…hi

  16. i lov the mullet i mean it gave me 100 xtra points ur the best cheat poster ever!!!!

    • its not a cheat the newspaper said how to do it stupids

  17. what tab to take a picture on club penguin

  18. LOSER~~~i already knew like all of them. u need a better website, dude cuz this one SUCKS EGGS!!!!!(_i_) thats a butt ( . Y . ) and those are boobs

    • your wrong this is the best website in history. And I’m only

    • no , this website is …………….AWSOME

  19. love it !!!!!!!!!! HOW D YOU DANCE WITH IT PLEASE REPLY HOW

  20. o my g I’ve known the newspaper cheat for li ke, since I started cp!!!!!!!!!! cp rox………. yah soz 🙂 😉

  21. that space one doesnt work

  22. do u get to keep ur igloo wen u get the star with ur membership sighn

    • i been looking for a cheats for clubpenguin for a long time its a good thing you made this then i will have a bad time at clubpenguin :]

    • yea I have had my club penguin for 3 years.

    • yea i have had my club penguin for3 years.

    • yes i have had my club penguin for3 years.

    • Yes i have had mine 4 3 years.

    • no , you don’t bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. the jetpack one doesnt work, the walkway 1 does, i triede the rockhopper one & tht dodnt work ummmmmmm EVRYBODY knows the water glitch, mpty chat bubble didnt work, pizzatron candy mode is obvious 2. if u see me on cp add me im Squiggle6901 thx

    • Add me I’m Ligern Aut 1. I spell my name. My password is 1aut 1aut. Or 1aut1aut

    • you are right

    • WOW SUCH A HATER~!!!!!

  24. i been look for cheats for a long time its cool that you made this

  25. they soooooooooooooooooooo did not work even the one with the thing with the 1000 coins on the jetpack game


  27. Now I know how to talk while reading newspaper!!!


  28. cccccccccccccoooooooooooooolllllllllllll

  29. This cheat site is made by the one and only ME! (Icy Lava)

  30. I am just going to ask first,but may Iuse a couple of these cheats for my site?I promise to give you credit.Like I will put thank you Icey Lava for showing me these cheats,all credit goes to Icey Lava.Is that ok with you?

  31. the last one was cool but i cant type in anything.the only thing i could say was “Hello”.

  32. who ever made that they are the best

  33. i love these cheats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. where is the jetpack adventure.

  35. this website rocks it is the best some didnt work though

  36. IT DOSENT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. hi cool website you are so awsome

    if you see me on club penguin plz add me!
    I didn’t use my real name cos that is personal + I don’t feel safe
    yep so bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. How do you tip the iceberg? How do you meet the characters such as rockhopper, DJ girl person, Gary, aunt artic e.t.c?

  39. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I’ve been trying to look for these cheats. Now i got them! YAY! please make more


  40. IF YOU SEE ME ON clubpenguin PLZ ADD ME! My name is Rachie2620. What’s your’S ?

  41. wow i like the candy mode

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