Icy Lava’s Chat

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  1. No Swearing
  2. Respect Others
  3. No Impersonating
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  5. No Personal Info
  6. No Mod or Owner Abuse
  7. Lastly have Fun


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  1. awsome, hey can i be a mod?

  2. iceylava,im unbanned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. hey wats up

  5. this site is so awesome

  6. my email is mosspetal@gmail.com
    i am telling u bacuase i am the person tat won the rare penguin contest

  7. hey rockhoper needs to be on a site that has spots open

  8. hey i am serious you need to have rockhoper on a severe with spots my email is may.may.7@hotmail.com so email me your proplems and i will fix them for you

  9. the rockhopper traker is a big fat lie

  10. Mokibob is trieg to kick me for no reason! πŸ˜†

  11. yo people

  12. im here

  13. Kat r u there????????????????

  14. I would like to sign up for the Ice Warriors, please get back.

    Edit: If you would like to join Ice Warriors visit their site at http://theicewarriorsarmy.wordpress.com/join/

  15. yo icey i know that you will see me in clubpenguin soooon…so i will see you soon and lets be buddy and meet sometimes and it will be fuin for this are you a member ya you are a cool member i eve ceen in my live

  16. ippppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppqppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppi. lol find the q

  17. i never seen a site this awesome.your the best icy lava

  18. Champion1002 likes snickers123 and Snickers1235 lkes champion1002

  19. This is an awesome site!

  20. WOW I LUV UR SITE ITS AWESOME ICEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
    πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

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