Club Penguin Ice Warriors Army

May 10, 2009 at 12:21 am | Posted in Club Penguin Cheats | 4 Comments

Hey guys its been a while since Ive Posted in this site. The reason for this is because I’ve been busy with this Club Penguin Army called the Ice Warriors. This army is one of the best armies in Club Penguin. If you would like to join them visit their site at

or visit their chat at

~Rugrat Ice Warriors 2nd in Command~


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  1. hey!!
    my name is seatownworld on cp.
    go on sub zero!! im there!!!
    u can meet me!!! 😀

  2. Check out my Cloud stacker

  3. Wow rug i was searching about the substance of ice… but then i ended up here xD

  4. hey which room?my penguin s name is Elif 1999

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