Club Penguin Dojo Grand Opening Cheats

November 14, 2008 at 5:35 am | Posted in Club Penguin Cheats | 5 Comments
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Hey guys the Dojo is now Finished with a great New design.

To get the Geta Sandals go to the Dojo.


The New design of the Dojo is much better than the old one.


Remember to Throw Snow Balls at the Gong after it runs out of time.

See Ya! ~Icy Lava


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  1. cool

  2. arrr !!!! me and me ship is fine so me and yarrr are going to the dojo torrow moring. FROM:Rockhopper

  3. Cool! I love how the new dojo looks now.

  4. Hello,
    Can i be on your blogroll?
    I have added you on my blogroll!Please add me.I’ve been very upset because Nypaoe and Akonhomie removed me from the blogroll.Please try to understand,Dont make me sad by not adding me.
    Gulchi 😉

  5. Hey, Could You Put Me On Your Blogroll? Your On Mine!

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